Posted 11 years ago
(15 items)
The sound quality of the music is absolutely wonderful and that was the main reason I purchased this item. However I would like to learn some more as to to the name of the song it plays and if possible, when was this musical box made. Anyone out there with some knowledge (because I doubt if I am the only person in the world having this item!) will be very helpful since I will then be able to buy the recording of the tune.
Make a video, put it on YouTube.
my comment deleted....hmmmmm
will comment again
Dozens of tune to be had.....made in the 1960's/ jewelry boxes, clocks and stand alone music box....I know of 25 different tunes that could be had..
As TA stated...record audio on video and post to youtube...where tune can be heard
just for reference Virginia.vintage has a clock posted's link
As kerry said as a reference its similar to my alarm clock in the tv console with dancers, really pretty post.
Muchísimas gracias kerry10456! ;)
Thanks again to both TA and kerry for your suggestion. Dont know why I didnt think of that (duh!). Perhaps we may discover that the item may be related to Virginia's alarm clock...
You're welcome. They are related....these were mass produced and several out there....I have a Bradley variant...same German manufacture with Bradley Labeling...also common practice.
"Dancing With The Stars" was a hit then? :)