Posted 11 years ago
(758 items)
On June 18, 1815 around 10 am Napoléon's forces began an attack on the Château d'Hougoumont (originally Goumont). The chateau was heavily fortified with Wellington's light company of the 2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards under the command of Lt-Colonel Henry Wyndham and members of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Nassau Regiment. All in all the number of Allied soldiers there was just 1210 men.
The attempt on the chateau was a tactic to draw British forces away to the right flank. It was the beginning of the Battle of Waterloo.
Napoléon's move on the farm complex and surrounding hillside included 33 battalions in all, 14,000 troops. Wellington defended the area with 21 battalions (12,000 troops). On June 18, 1815, 6,500 men were killed, or suffered terrible injuries, at Hougoumont. Many were dumped in a mass grave there to deter thieves.
Wellington declared afterwards that "the success of the battle turned upon the closing of the gates at Hougoumont".
It began as a diversionary tactic but became the most violent point of the fighting. "Wellington's army defended the chateau and the hollow way running north from it. In the afternoon Napoléon personally ordered the shelling of the house to cause it to burn, resulting in the destruction of all but the chapel."
Victor Hugo devoted two chapters of his book, Les Misérables to this battle at Hougomont.
What you see here in the photo are the remains of some outhouses of the chateau. It is a photo postcard published by E.G. that I believe was a Belgian firm E. Grégoire, Series 5 No.20.
Many thanks POPS52!!!
enjoy the day.............
WOW!!! very good write up!!
Can you email me, please?
France must be haunted with all those who perished in war there. All wars.
And Belgium too!
Many thanks KAREN, VIOLETORANGE, TOM 'n GARY too!!!
Thanks for the Baloise connection too ROYCROFTBOOKSFROMme!
You're very welcome Kevin, always a joy to see these! =)
Thanks again TOM and thanks to you too ROnM!!!
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!!!
Hello Kevin!! yes I can email you :)
I just need your email. so , my email is in my profile.
An amazing story Kev, thanks for sharing and my favourite two books, Victor Hugos' Les Mis. I worked on these shows in Australia and when I moved to London took my husband to go seeon the West mother gave the 2 books to my father as a gift before they were married and I gave these to my husband when they were given to me by my father when I worked on the show. If I could get my hand on another copy as book 2 went missing and I've tried everywhere to find it. A campaign set, ie made small so the WWI troops could carry and red whilst on their tours of duty, published by Collins Australia in red hardcovers. If anyone knows of anyone who has a set I would be most appreciative.
I hope someone sees this ANNE.
Thanks to you and MIKELV, TREY 'n AUSTRO too!
Waterloo helped fill the Catacombs! I think, I visited this in 1972. Incredible! Another great posting!!
Many thanks DON!!!
So many post cards & so much information who needs history lessons
Many thanks ZOWIE!
These cards have taught me much!
Many thanks GARY !!!!
Many thanks MANIKIN!!!
Many thanks PETEY !!!!
Many thanks MIKKO!!!!!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!
Many thinks CAPERKID !!!!!!
Kinda of a depressing picture for a postcard but still cool.
Many thanks IGGY !!! Waterloo history and a site visited by the people who collected this card a century ago.
Many thanks PHIL !.!!.!.!!.!