Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
We've had this lone 8 1/4" tall candlestick for over 20-25 years (flea market find) and we were always hoping to find it's Sister but I guess it's a one-of (probably not). It's completely blown glass; in fact it is hollow inside.The feather pattern is encased with a clear glass layer inside and out. The flared base is 4 1/4" wide and the drip-catcher rim is 4" in diameter. The best I can think of is some company in Murano but it's a guess. Anyone know? Thanks, RER(BOB)
Thank you inlikeflynn, SEAN68, kerry10456, Manikin, walksoftly, sklo42 and Moonstonelover21 for the loves. BOB
Thank you mikelv85, vetraio50 and Perfumer for the love. BOB
Yum, candy cane :))
Yes and like Bubble Gum. thanks AmberRose & VioletOrange for the love. (BOB)
This is just so beautiful!
Thanks icollectglass! The photos 1 & 4 depict how it is supposed to be. The wide drip catcher goes on top. Thank you shareurpassion, antiquerose, racer4four, smiata and Slave-to-glass for your loves, BOB
Do you think it was made to accommodate a pillar candle? And if so, I wonder if that would help anyone in terms of an ID? I don't know if that application could help date it or help with at least narrowing the possible maker. Sorry more questions and no answers. It is lovely.
Thanks Lisa-lighting! It could but I don't think it was meant to accommodate pillar candles. The hole in the center holds ordinary size candles very well. You would have to soak it in very hot water to remove the wax inside the tubular body. It would date pre-1970's I would think. RER(BOB)
Thank you shareurpassion, antiquerose, racer4four, smiata, Slave-to-glass, czechman and bratjdd for the loves. RER(BOB)
20 - 25 years wow! You must love it very much :)
I would love it more if it had a sister or brother but I've never come across another. Thanks Shawnl86 . BOB