Posted 11 years ago
(14 items)
Found this and fell in love immediately but have absolutely no idea what it is and can't find anything on the internet or any of our books. Its huge and heavy. At first i thought it could be Asian but the mark on the base is in English. It looks like C/S/L HANDMADE? There is no England or Made In so it could be earlier in date. The handles appear almost Celtic/Welsh inspired which makes me think it could be from somewhere in the UK? The last image isn't mine (if it's yours let me know) its included as it also has an unknown script impression that nobody in another thread has been able to pinpoint. Perhaps we can solve the great mystery here?
This has an Oriental look to my eye.
I reckon the language might be Khmer. I have seen the other pieces here:
Cambodian or Thai is my guess.
Those are Dragon Handles.
Yes vertraio50 that is were the last photo was found (should have posted the link, sorry). Those are very plausible suggestions. I've put out a word on a couple Khmer & Thai language forums to see if anyone recognizes the script. Perhaps we can come up with a useful translation! :-)
idcloisonne, isn't there?! That's what baffles us the most is the quality and style of this vessel and others found at vetraio50 link and the disconnect with base. Would love to see a closer better image of the second vessel of the pair posted at vetraio50's link above. More of an inscription and perhaps providing more of a clue.