Posted 11 years ago
(8 items)
Stoneware bottle from New Orleans dredged up in bay St. Louis
Only info I have found on it was 1850's after Piris stopped brewing beer but before he sold his mineral water bottling company to Peter Pons in 1854(Tod Von Mechow worksheet).
I just found two similar to this the other day. I may post them this week. Welcome to Collectors Weekly :). Good group here for sure!
I Love this Bottle, I've been Searching for some New Orleans Pottery, I'm Glad to Know it's Out There!!! Anyway, do you Ever come across Any Stoneware Pottery Sherds from Southern Potters when you're Digging or Dredging...??? I am Always Searching for Pottery Sherds (Jug Tops with Handles, Bottle Tops, Crock Handles, Rim Sections, Potters Marks or Capacity Marks, Examples of Decoration, Etc...) from Southern Potters or Southern Pottery Locations, Please let me Know if you Do Come Across Any or if you Have Some Now, as I will Most Certainly be Interested in them!!! ( ) Thank You, Please Take Care. Yours,
Jonathan B. Pons