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Vintage Custom Western Saddle by Frank Vela Floresville Texas 1950's

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2 items)

    I found this vintage artistic custom western saddle made in the 1940's at a local thrift store yesterday. I don't even have a horse or collect vintage saddles but I collect other vintage items and just couldn't let this one pass by. There was something special to it I felt. Once I got home I did a google search of the text in the embossed stamp of the saddle maker which reads, "F. VELA FLORESVILLE, TX MAKER"
    I didn't find much except that the F stands for Frank and Frank Vela , Master Saddle Maker, was one of the highest demanded and infamous custom saddle makers from the 1920's -1950's., not only locally but internationally. ..Very cool. I called a few Texas saddle shops and one shop owner out of 5 knew exactly who Frank Vela was and the type of artistic design he helped pioneer for the saddle making industry. This shop owner told me that today, not many people will know about Frank Vela Saddles because he stopped producing them in 1954 and the people who own one rarely get rid of them..I am destined to find out who the initials O.R.V belong to which is what is stamped just beneath the horn.

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    1. johncrainer, 10 years ago
      I believe this saddle may be a true custom. The picture makes the swell appear to be almost flat on top, not rounded, as most are. My Dad went to Floresville twice and was measured for two different saddles. We have one. I"m always looking for another one. Well done, all around!
    2. Jynxe Jynxe, 9 years ago
      Hello there. I have a Vela saddle very similar to yours, except my pommel is rounded not bear trap style. It has a small JT etched under the maker mark. I will try to get it cleaned up and post pictures later. My saddle has seen many more miles than yours, but is still in usable condition (I rode it yesterday).
    3. ajmoore2006, 9 years ago
      I have a Frank Vela saddle. I grew up on a ranch in Gonzales Texas and my parents took me to Floresville to order a saddle. These saddles are custom made and were considered to be the best in the world. I still have my saddle and have gotten good use out of it. I do disagree with the dates above. Frank Vela did take orders after 1954. I believe I bought mine in 1960 when I was 10 years old.
    4. Jennytx, 9 years ago
      Beautiful saddle, what a great find! I'm in South Texas and have a Frank Vela saddle that I too, just couldn't pass up. It's a rare gem when you can find one for sure. If you or any one of your followers are interested, my saddle is for sale. Thanks for posting yours, it's lovely!
    5. katynew, 8 years ago
      I have a Vela saddle. It was given to my husband by his grandparents. Jack's uncle was thrown from a horse and killed. He was riding a Vela saddle. This was in 1937. This was the year my husband was born. This was not a new saddle, so I think it might be one from the 20's. It is on loan in a museum in Knox County Tx.
    6. Williamhancock, 8 years ago
      Jennytx, can you either email me at or contact me at 806 983 4075...if no answer leave message or text I will return it when I have service. I have no cell service on ranch...or if someone knows how to message here let me know how lol......

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