Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
A lovely (!!!) victorian spider brooch, in silver with a cat's eye body, emerald thorax and blood-thirsty red garnet eyes!
Won't smash This one with my shoe ;-)
Last pic is a drawing I made on "drawsomething", it makes me laugh, because it is my réaction when seeing a live one!
So speedy Sean! Thanks for your visit, comment and love :-)
I see you do like your insects (bugs) I like this very much, very pretty, I wouldn't like to meet him in real life, on the other hand I do like spiders.
Jean, I'm MAD about bug/insect jewellery...
lol ....nice altho people will try to brush it off..... I bet
Fantastic brooch!
Laughed at the other picture!
Love your broach.....
Your very welcome darling!!
Thank you Phil, your comment is much appreciated :-)
Thanks too to you, racer and Inky :-))
Tkx Torakitten, Bootson, mikelv and miKKo :-)
Lol Val!
Such a beautiful brooch!
Many thanks Pops!
Wonderful piece. Reminded me of the Pawn Stars episode when the woman brought in a spider piece of jewelry she had inherited & that had been in her dresser for years. She hated it because it was a spider. Turned out to be by Faberge & worth tens of thousands!
Ö..Ô what a story! I would love to have these TV shows like Antique roadshow or Pawn Stars here in France!
We actually have two : "Jour de brocante" and "vos objets ont une histoire"
not so good...
Thank you for your nice comment on my spider :-))
I love the spider! I love real spiders also...I am kind of weird..The drawing makes me smile..Thank You!
Drawing is from Drawsomething I played a lot in the past (now I'm CW all day!).
Perhaps you will find a spider portrait oil on canvas with beautiful frame...
I love this one made by Odilon Redon:
Lol , I love this posting with the cartoon drawing !! but over all this is very stunning piece of jewelry!!
OOh! Viele danke Paris ;-))
Sean, your lol is very appreciated! As much as your highly sweet comment!
Anybody ever try to flick that off of you ? rr..
I love it's whimsy ! :..:
Yes, Katherine, Yikes... but like it!!!
Lambda, I'm over protective for precious ones, but reals are crushed without pity after yelling at them! :-D
Thank you Rose for loving it, and late thanks to all of you, 31 earlier lovers :-))
Thank you Caperkid for your visit and love :-)
Your welcome, it is awsome i want one.
Update, new pics!
All parts are stamped with a A in a square.
I wondered why this popped up again! Just love your beautiful pictures, kyratango, that is one scary beautiful spider, yikes! :))
Lol Katherine! Those red cruel eyes... Brrrr ;-)
You just made my hair stand straight up!!!!
Haha, day of love... Thank you Lisa, happy Valentine's to you too!
Was looking thru your 'green' things and found the spider. Only just noticed the tiny seed pearls, one at the back of the green stone and one at his the very end of his body.
A most excellent spider!
I'm sure Kyra you aren't afraid of spiders more than me... Every nights I have to check the bedroom is it free from any... But your spider is certainly very lovely, I would take it anytime. And the drawing is hilarious!!! :D
Gillian, you have a sharp eye! Thank you for exploring my green collection, such a nice comment and love!
Ha, Martika, those critters are terrifying!
Thank you so much for your visit and appreciations :-D
Thanks Bratjdd for your spider's love ;-)
Wandering away from cameos tonight. I believe the stone with the cat's eye effect is a chrysoberyl. :)
Hi Cameosleuth, glad to see your wandering brought you here! Thanks for your idea :-)
I think rather apatite cat's eye :
I have other insects with this stone as body:
Thunderclap. I saw that & was fascinated. Had not realized apatite could have chatoyancy; I only know it in its opaque vivid blue state. Googled for more images & saw that apatite can also be this green. My 'knowledge' came from eBay listings for jewelry described in the title, completely incorrectly, as featuring alexandrite cat's eye, mentioning chrysoberyl down in the text. Assumed all those sellers knew what they were talking about. Googled just now for 'chrysoberyl cat's eye' & got images of much yellower stones - in keeping with its name: 'chrys' means golden - than the one in your bug. Think what we have learned here is that many/most/all of those bluish green cat's eye stones described in listings as alexandrite/chrysoberyl may well be apatite. So much for the received wisdom of eBay!
Not a spider, but thought of you when I saw this:
Ha, Cameosleuth! Some sellers always use in their description the most valuable name :-)))
Crysoberyl cat's eye is VERY expensive in gem quality... And, as you said, is much yellower than this stone.
Thank you for the link to the Bzzz Bzzz ;-))
Wow, that is spectacular!
:-) Thank you!
Very nice, I freeze, can’t move when I see the big ones come indoors in the autumn when the weather gets colder, sometimes they are in the bath when I go to the bathroom in the morning, sometimes they run over the living room carpet when watching tv.