Posted 15 years ago
(1 item)
Part of the joy of dealing with vintage jewelry has been in learning to photograph the pieces. I've lost so many of my best photos through the years that now I save all of them. I love looking back and remembering the wonderful treasures that have passed through my hands. My rule for myself has always been that I can have anything I want and can afford as long as I am willing to put a price tag on, most eventually leave me, but I enjoy them while they are mine, and when they go, I buy something new. :) And, I keep the photos.
Love the sentiment.....I'm starting to feel exactly the same way
I also love the idea of your rule, but I have a hard time looking at my sold files.
I sell all kinds of stuff but the jewelry at least the special ones I have sold was not because I wanted to. In fact every time a old post here on CW comes up of a piece I sold I get sad:( I have the same fail proof remedy as you.............Buying New, and for each piece that sold I like to get 3. You take great pictures if you don't mind me asking whats your secret?
Sweet, I agree with the documentation of discoveries. I started to send photos of my finds to my sister, then found it was a great way not to become a hoarder. (I would keep everything)
I would also love some photo tips. As you can see from my postings I need some advise!