Posted 11 years ago
(471 items)
How cool are the colours/patterns on this jug ?? I loved it a soon as I seen it !! The shape I thought was great with the handle unusually low for a jug but wasn't sure if it originally had a lid , no signs of wear where one has been !! Its roughly 12" tall & made from a red/terracotta colour clay , there is a flat circle mark on the bottom of the handle but has been filled with glaze , you can just make out four raised dots top bottom left & right??? It feels a little strange when full of water cos of the low handle but it works , the inside is glazed in white but has crazed over time which makes me think it has some age....?.
comments very welcome :-)
I agree with you about that glaze. The whole thing is pretty cool really!
I'm guessing 50s studio piece. To me that shape screams cocktail pitcher. (But in glass).
Thanx for your kind comments racer4four & AmberRose, I think the glaze is really cool & love the bright colouring , I can see cocktail pitcher influence, I wonder if its a fruit juice pitcher!! Ive never seen one with a low handle before !!
Thanx for the loves mikelv85
& sean68 ;-)))
Thanx vetraio50 for the love..:-)
after thinking about it a lot I think it may possibly be a french milk jug!!
thanks catteann & maryh1956 for your loves ;-]
Agree it's 'like' stuff produced by the French céramistes basking in Vallauris on the Côte d'Azur (not bad work if you can get it ;) For example, here is 'un pichet' signed Jacques Blin
The streaky black/ blue-green glaze, though, I usually see on stuff by Jean de Lespinasse
Thanks noob , for the intresting link & your love ,, its similar but totally different ;-)
Thanks CindB for your love ;-)