Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
A recent buy of the kind of repousse work I love!
7,5" outer circumference, heavy 87grams!
Inner is smooth, certainly two silver shells soldered together.
Don't you think the detailed work is amazing?
Love the detail, is the bracelet from India or the Far East.
Jean, french Indochina... Annam, Tonkin, Cambodia, Cochinchina...
Vetraio, thanks for your enthousastic comment! :-)
Thanks Nutsabotas!
Thank you Phil! It is stamped silver French Indochina.
wonderfull work!!! superbe!
pas du repoussé kyra, mais travail gravé travail au burin, belle ciselure, on dirait un travail indien il y a deux poinçons.
Antikarium, thanks for your comment!
The two stamps hallmarks say "indochina" and "silver"
I found a tiny maker's mark elsewhere "a/lorraine cross/d" in a rectangle.
For the work, it is repousse AND reperce (pierced)
for the outer shell, united with a plain smooth shell for the inner part.
When you apply your mouth on it and blow, your breath isn't stopped and goes out through the pierced parts!
(I cleaned it before, lol!)
Merci !
These buckle design were relatively common in years 30/50.
Not very comfortable to wear (I've small wrist, but fater fore arm, lol)
But it's work is so intricate (and bargain price!) I had to get it :-)
I will cross fingers for you ;-)
stunning darling!!!
Thank you, sweetie SEAN ! ;-))
Thanks all for your loves :-))
Thanks lisa and again to the 20 other lovers :-))
tkx Freiheit and jewels :-)
Thank you so much for your nice comment, southcop :-)
And thanks too Ho2cultcha!
25 lovers! Thanks all!
Thanks Robin and Woman34 :)
His brother!
Hope all is well ...say hi to the kids ...looks like François Fillon. will be the next pres.... '-)) later my friend..
Hi Gary from the twins and me :-))))
This presidential campaign is a real mess... I'm disgusted, still don't know who will get my vote :-/
wow! such beautiful detail! really gorgeous!