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Family Photo 4 Generations of Grandmothers and Two Uncles

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sarahoff's loves76 of 1791 LOETZ ONYX Marmorierte ...1887-1888  ((Gi-Gantor))Bernard Instone Enamel Brooch Clip
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (321 items)

    Not to often you can get a photo four grandmother's together. Taken in either Santa Monica or Redondo Beach, CA around 1912. The two boys and girl in front are my uncles's Edward & George, my grandmother Anna. In the back row L to R, great grandmother Elsie, grt, grt grandmother Anna and the last one my grt, grt, grt grandmother Lucy. added second photo a trip to Catalina Island, this photo has my grt Aunt Sarah

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 11 years ago
      Oh this is Very Awesome!!! It's got to be the ever so famous Santa Monica Pier! They purposely posed in front of it!!!

      Love their whole outfits. And how awesome is that to have this photo of your own family. Wow, thanks for sharing this ttomtucker!
    2. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      What a great family photo, love it!
      Thanks for sharing!
    3. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 11 years ago
      Shareurpassion, I believe your right it is the Santa Monica Pier. The family lived in Los Angeles and a short trip down Santa Monica Blvd would have been easier that a trip to Redondo Beach. I had read where the Santa Monica Pier had burn down in 1912. I'm basing the date of this photo by my grandmother being about 10 years old, she was born in 1902. like most family photo's there no information on the back. I have another photo where they are going to take a ride on the Catalina Island Steamer.
    4. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 11 years ago
      And it looks like the same day too. Long Beach is the city where you take the boat over to Catalina. I think it's always taken off from there but it sure doesn't look like that anymore! It now takes about 40 minutes to get from Santa Monica Pier to Long Beach.

      These are just awesome photos. One of these days soon I'll get over there and shoot some pics so you can see how it looks now.
    5. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Fabulous lucky and precious to have this!....:-)
    6. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      Adorable post!!!!
    7. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 11 years ago
      shareurpassion, I thought the Catalina steamer was out of San Pedro or Wilmington
      back in those days. When I took a boat ride to Catalina in 1959, we went out of San Pedro.
    8. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Great 4 gen the idea behind them, thanks for sharing
    9. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Absolutely, Lisa! You have the eye!!!

      Wonderful family memories with 4 generations :-)
    10. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 9 years ago
      I still love this photo and honestly have thought of it often, so thought it was great to see it again!

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