Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
I call it an "all-in" because it seems to contain all the different techniques of glass decoration . I'm not sure it's even a Murano piece.....if it is, who could have made it? There are five bands of decoration, the first one with Aventurine inside an emerald green layer, another containing black & white spiral canes, next to it is a yellow, blue & white rods in a Ruby & Sapphire band, next to that is a band with multi-colored spatter in a silver layer and finally the copper Aventurine bubbles in a Gold/Amber band. It's a small dish measuring only 3" in diameter and 1 1/2" tall. The front is smooth but the back is slightly "pebbled". Anyone recognize the maker? RER(BOB)
It lovely.
Thanks Peasejean55 for your comments and thank you Moonstonelover21, vetraio50 and aghcollect for the loves. RER(BOB)
Almost a glass sampler! Very cool.
Those black and white canes are tiny!
A Sampler is an excellent description for this dish...thanks racer4four and thank you also mikelv85 for the love. RER(BOB)
it is next to impossible to identify this kind of art glass piece. it is not a blown it is fused glass, and as such the threshold of making piece like it is quite low (one electric furnace could be acquired for couple of thousands $) as opposed to blown glass where investment is considerably more substantial.
So to summarize it is fun piece to make and to behold, but it is closer to the category of folk art than art glass and the maker usually is not identifiable.
I realize that it's not "High-end" glass but it had that "buy me to find out more about me look" so here tis! Thanks for your input MacArt! and thanks Lisa-lighting for your love. BOB
hey I hope I did not cause You much of a disappointment, did I? It's still pretty piece of glass and not having great monetary value You can enjoy using it more...
It was a Whole $5.00 so didn't expect it to be BACCARAT or LOETZ BOB
I do not recognize this piece specifically, but if you like the style, it reminds me of "Mad Art Glass" ... check them out.
Interesting Glass Creations those MAD Art Glass people are making.....I had never heard of them......thanks for the link twentiethc. BOB
Thanks everyone for the Loves. BOB
Thank you renedijkstra for the comments and love.