Posted 11 years ago
(3472 items)
This is an accessory set that was sold with ni figure. Apparently GI Joe was not a good pilot as his sets include a life raft, parachute, life raft, survival equipment but no plane. There was the Panther Jet Navy Plane made by Irwin and licsensed by Hasbro so he could borrow this to have something to crash.
The first figure and the fire extinguisher on the left side of the photos are original. The extinguisher on the left along with the accessories on the counter are from the 40th anniversary set. The original outfit was the same material 1960s space suits were made from. The reissue figure was not.
Yikes.......Get him away from that *Radiation* Microwave!!
Love it!!
Cool! Probably not in that suit.
You made us laugh - "not a good pilot"...!
So Sci-fi!!!
Thank you very much antiquerose. Don't think his suit would do well in the microwave.
Thank you very much racer4four. It seems GI Joe made many more take offs than landings.
Thank you very much austrohungaro. You do see those outfits in 50s and early 60s movies.
Thank you
Thank you Trey.
Cool Gi-Joe set...not sure if every seen this particular one...Thanks for sharing.
BTW, do you have the Gilbert Gi-Joe wristwatch circa 1965?
Thank you very much Kerry.
Sadly I do not have a GI Joe wristwatch but I will look it up.
Thank you clockerman and tom61375.
Thank you petey
If I recall! This is the Jiffy pop popcorn version or the baked potato.
Sorry! had to! lol
very cool!
Thank you