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Moser Moss-Green Vase gilt Amazon Warriors signed c. 1925

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bohemianglas…'s loves842 of 1249 Kralik Carl Hosch Green Twist Pinched Footed VasePOSCHINGER IRIDESCENT  VASE circa 1900
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (47 items)

    An Art Deco Period Etched Moss Green Glass Vase by Leo Moser.
    Excellent cutting technique (facet cut wall), at the vase's outer wall there is a broad row of gilded frieze decoration existing.
    The frieze is depicting the well-known Moser sceneries of Battle of Amazon Ladies.

    The underside signed in script, "Made in Czecho Slovakia, Moser Karlsbad, ". Circa 1925.

    H: 7,5" or 18,5 cm

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    1. manddmoir manddmoir, 11 years ago
      Karlsbad -not Carlsbad
      very nice!
    2. colori colori, 11 years ago
      Karlsbad of course, already I correct, thanks Mike
    3. colori colori, 11 years ago
      Many Thanks!
      Czechman, LOUMANAL, bohemianglassandmore, manddmoir, aghcollect, racer4four..
    4. colori colori, 11 years ago
      Many Thanks to all !
    5. amazone, 8 years ago
      Hallo ich besitze eine Moser Vase 27 cm hoch amethist lila mit oroplastik Amazonen, signiert mit "Made in Czecho Slovakia, Moser Karlsbad", kann mir jemand sagen wo kann ich den wert feststellen.
      Vielen dank
    6. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Try e-bay and check for completed sales.
      Ich habe einen Leuchter mit dem gleichen Muster in "Amber", aber konnte bisher kein weiters Beispiel finden, aber einige lila Vasen habe ich gesehen. Die sind wirkich schoen! Viel Glueck mit Ihren Suche:)

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