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Antique fishing pole (Black Beauty)

In Fishing > Fishing Rods > Show & Tell.
Fishing Rods86 of 93Early 1900's Fishing RodLooking for a " vintage " fishing/Tackle collector
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I bought this antique flyrod at an auction today the brand is "Heddon". It looks brand new, never used, has no wear marks, has outside tube (container), has inside cover that protects the fishing pole. It comes apart into two pieces, made by James Heddon's sons in Michigan, printed on the rod by the handle reads "Heddon Pal, Black Beauty, #75- 8 1/2' Cot D". Brand new price tag on outside case says $194.99. I read that this company went out of business in 1956. If I could get more info and a possible appraisal it would be appreciated.

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    1. bldknnth, 14 years ago
      I have a Heddon Black Beauty #75 8 1/2' medium C. H C H printed on it in great condition could someone tell me how old and value.
    2. bldknnth, 14 years ago
      bldknnth, 4 days ago
      I have a Heddon Black Beauty #75 8 1/2' medium C. H C H printed on it in great condition could someone tell me how old and value.

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