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Victorian Pair

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Art Glass15041 of 22787Scent bottleTwo yellow Josef Hoffmann vases
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (130 items)

    I just purchased these two Victorian glass pieces. The large on measures almost 10" and the smaller 5". I bought them because I love them but have no idea who made them. Any thoughts?


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    1. Vrgdc Vrgdc, 11 years ago
      They're Beautiful!
    2. Rick55 Rick55, 11 years ago
      Thank you Vrgdc. I wish I knew who made them.
    3. Rick55 Rick55, 11 years ago
      Thank you for the love racer4four, AmberRose, vetraio50, aghcollect, and Moonstonelover21. It is appreciated.
    4. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 11 years ago
      The smaller vase is very nice, absolutely terrific colors, and I believe is a lovely example of european victorian glass, the tall footed ewer however is not victorian, although it is from the 50s or 60s, and was produced on the island of murano, where glass was produced to look victorian.
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 11 years ago
      Thanks so much for the information Shawn.
    6. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      I don't know much about Victorian glass :( But I am learning, the one on the left actually looks like Fenton's art glass Crestware from early 1940's right down to the feet (the color in the feet are very close to Colonial Amber) and the blue on the outer time looks like the blue in Fentons crestware. Im not sure about the casing of the dark plum color though. This is one site I go to for color and design for Fenton:
      Unfortunately, it is only showing baskets in the crestware - Good Luck!
    7. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      And I guess more like "toed" not "footed" lol
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Yes wksgibson, these examples look the same as mine. Thanks for the info.

    9. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      You're welcome they are beautiful, I hope you find out the who what where! =)
    10. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 10 years ago
      very nice............
    11. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Thank you Roycroftbooksfromme1 and thanks for all the loves!

    12. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      Rick55, a thought, have you by any chance put a black light to the smaller white (or even the pink for that matter)? I just happened to see something pretty similar to the smaller one thought to be made by Stevens & Williams, now Royal Brierley Crystal. They used uranium in both the 19th and 20th centuries. They may have begun using it as early as the late 1840s. Also, they used it in PINK and IVORY glass in the 30's they started using it in their ambers (like the color of the toes and handles) and greens. The firm opened in 1851 in the UK The piece I saw that is very similar to yours was also ivory with the toes, it was a Cased vase with an applied acanthus leaf decoration (which is also the amber color) - just a thought, hope it takes you somewhere!
      The more I look through various sites, I think what you have is Victorian, and I believe by the folks I just mentioned, check this out:
      Please let me know if link works =)
    13. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      There is a cruet similar to yours at the bottom of this page (just a different applied pattern)
    14. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Thanks so much wksgibson. I think you've hit it on the head. I appreciate your research and links.

    15. wksgibson wksgibson, 10 years ago
      You're welcome, my pleasure such beautiful pieces~!
    16. Rick55 Rick55, 10 years ago
      Thank you angelmarier55.
    17. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
    18. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Beautiful love the colors. You have such a great eye for this.
    19. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much for the kind comment and love Caper!
    20. martika martika, 9 years ago
    21. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      Thank you for the comment and love Martika, it's appreciated!
    22. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 9 years ago
      Love the satin pink.
    23. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      I agree Bill, I love a satin or matte finish!

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