Posted 11 years ago
(14 items)
I have a glass plate negative with 18 highly fashionable sun bathers featured in a variety of Victorian swimwear. Can you help me identify the coastal location? The rock in the photo does not appear to be Morro Rock (Morro Bay, CA). I believe it to be a California location as most of the other negative were from various California areas. Thanks for your input!
Looks like the SW end of Dominica.
thanks...will start checking old photos in that area
Don't make a common mistake of looking at Santo Domingo.
thx blunderbuss2
It's been about thirty years since I have been there, but there is a similar rocky point at Zuma Beach, which is just North of Malibu.
i'm familiar with Zuma....looking at photo right now....
still have not been able to track down location of this photo....zuma didnt match up.
Well it has been about 100 years and with photos it's all a matter of perspective. There could be a McDonald's perched on what is left of that hill. It could take some time to find a match that everyone agrees with.
thx TubeAmp.....i think you hit the nail on the head. the coastline has may not even be California!
Could it be? Sugarloaf in Avalon Bay, Catalina, California.
It looks slightly different in the various photos.
Thanks to this post:
OMG....I think you have nailed it TubeAmp.....Here I am in los angeles only 22 miles away from this site! thanks so much for the awesome links for catalina also!
I was worried you wouldn't see this. And as I said 3 months ago, the rock lookout was blown up, so it doesn't look the same today. I have a good memory, so when I see something I know I will see it again.
T A looking at tent cities....but this ocean vista really threw me....thanks again