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Unsigned Clip On Earrings

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Costume Earrings526 of 547Unsigned Clip On EarringsUnsigned Clip On Earrings
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (49 items)

    Bought these for $3. After a lengthy search I did find this exact pair for sale online and were actually sold for over $80. The website said that they were a Juliana style, unsigned.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. k1946, 13 years ago
      Wish you were my daughter. We could explore to our hearts content and shop till we drop. Collecting costume jewelry can be all a very satisfying way. Life is fun, isn't it?!
    2. antiquefreaque antiquefreaque, 13 years ago
      I was just looking through my items and just realized you posted over two months ago! I used to get emails telling me when someone commented but I guess I don't get those anymore!!! If you are ever in northern Wisconsin let me know! I usually go out by myself to estate sales. Once in a while my fiance will come with me. Wish I had friends that enjoyed this!! :) You sound like much fun!! We would have a great time finding jewelry!!!
    3. k1946, 13 years ago
      I'm glad you read my reply. Northern husband's family is from Wisconsin. It would be fun to go out together. I have noticed that collectors tend to covet and not want to share the experience but if we addicts are looking for different types of jewelry, etc. it would be fine. I'd love to find someone locally to peruse the junk piles with me. I live on the East Coast. If your fiancee has an interest in collecting something, you have a good companion to go along with you. Antiques fairs are a good way to spend a great day in the open air and you can haggle....that's the fun part. Also, I was very successful with Good Will as far as books go. They do have an auction site. Two of my jewelry/Flow Blue books were from them for just a few dollars. Actually I found them on another web site but unfortunately can't remember which one. :O( It was nice to hear from you and about your successes.

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