Posted 11 years ago
(1232 items)
A nice piece of vintage 50's-60's California pottery from Salvation Army this morning. It's a 19" long leaf serving tray with applied apple decoration. There are other pieces in this pattern but very little is known about the Wade of California Pottery company. Very impressive and in perfect condition. -Mike-
Wade of California
Courtesy of
The information available on Wade of California has been very difficult to come by. The confusion has been furthered by the fact that “Wade” is a very popular name in pottery and ceramics and dates from the 1800s in the UK. However, the pieces that are found marked “Calif Wade” are definitely representation of the typical California Pottery look.
The majority of the items found are typically Ashtrays, Lazy Susan Chip and Dips and Leaf serving dishes. They are usually some combination of avocado green, brown-yellow and blue. I feel they look very derivative of the Los Angeles Potteries, Freeman MacFarlane and Treasure Craft items. This is not to say there aren’t some attractive examples.
As to the history on Wade of Calif pottery pieces - I haven’t been able to find much substantiated information. As I said before, there is a chance that it is related to the Wade potteries in England. This seems to be backed up by a few documents I found saying that the Wade family had numerous members of the family who went on to operate potteries. And in fact, I believe there was one who moved to California.