Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
Dear All,
I found this beauty in a second hand shop in Hong Kong. I have no idea about it and would love to hear any thoughts. It is beautiful; it seems hand made - and has beautiful black and silver buttons with an enamel or glass-like finish over a silver bird (eagle?). The collar stands up almost to the top of your neck. There is lots of detailing on the front and back, filagree lace edging etc.
Please share any thoughts.
Much appreciated.
My guess is 80s fashion
Thanks so much for your reply Amber. Now I think of it, it is quite Adam Ant.....
love this very much!!
Very "Clockwork Orange" (record store scene) nice piece!
Thank you all for your comments!
I agree with 1980s fashion.
Somehow, I found myself humming Love Bizarre & Glamorous Life when I saw it<G>.