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Hitler Youth belt buckle

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (12 items)

    The belt buckle is a Hitler Youth belt buckle. The front of the buckle has an eagle holding the hitler youth emblem, the words on the circle says: Blood And Honor. The back of the buckle. Has a RZM Stamped on the back and M4/M24.

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    1. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      I C Yours is the m4 model I have the m5 ..I be leave its where they where made ,,,lol
    2. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      Is it aluminium or steel? I've had these before but memory doesn't register "BLUT UND EHRE". Thought that was more of a SS logo? Well, I was wrong once in my life! LOL
    3. D24Ortal D24Ortal, 11 years ago
    4. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      have fun...........

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