Posted 11 years ago
(87 items)
Patience, I am learning, is a virtue when it comes to collecting glass.
About a year ago, our friend austrohungaro posted a similar Thomas Webb piece and it made such an impression on me that I wanted one. Well, now I can check this one off my want list.
Whether it is a Christopher Dresser design or not – I will let those who are more informed than me debate that one. It stands 3.75 inches in height and 2.75 inches in diameter at the waist. Like all Thomas Webb Bronze Glass the ground color of the vase is a deep green colour.
Link to austrohungaro post:
The last picture. Are those all yours?
I know nothing about the Webb bronzes.
The last picture the vase on the far right? Webb?
Thanks all.
Yes, all pieces are mine. From left to right: possibly Kralik, Kralik, Imperial, Kralik.
I lve this one without ears! :)
As for the first vase on pic4, we've got a very simmilar one which decor seems to fit with that of Rindskopf "snake skin" decor...
I just checked through my notes on the piece in pic four and Rindskopf was suggested as a possibility by some folks here - whatever it is I like it.
wow!!! Mac these are just beautiful!!
and my favorite line...."STUNNING"!!! LOL:)
That's tight, and i agree with you: it's so beautiful that I don't even care not knowing what it is ;)