Posted 11 years ago
(6 items)
This is suppose to be a reproduction of a 1912 tray, however, the trays I've seen did not have the signature so clear on the trays. I just don't want to let this go for less money than it's work since everything I am selling is going to my mom for future house repairs. I'm just trying to help as much as I can. If anyone knows anything about this tray, I would appreciate it.
It's the Real Thing. Condition is important to collectors and this one is pretty rough.
Thank you Daddy_Nobucks, and yes it is in rough condition. It was in a trailer that after my dad was bed ridden (3 years before death) and no one was ever allowed to go up there. We lost a good bit of the new items from 2000's on up due to mold. But at least now I know I should not try and sell for $5. This is what I am afraid of, he has so many reproductions that I am lost. And the bottles, oh my . Thank you for your help once again.
It's still a nice tray. Good luck.
wow thanks guys I always wondered what to look for in a original vs a repop
I have one I know is not original and I just held it and thought newer not original something looked wrong . I will post it and can use as a example of original vs copy cat tray :-) great info ! on the "C" TG !
It looks in better shape than the one I recently paid $75 for, and these don't come up that often. eBay would be your best bet for maximum $$!
Thank you all for the comments. I need to get some items sold to get some repairs done on my mom's house so I really need the better end of the deal when I sell. I now know a lot more than I did before. I do appreciate it.