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Waltham 31 Day Mantel Clock/Korean Made/Circa 20th Century

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Recent Activity58 of 4054Aimor Travel Alarm AM-FM Radio Combo/Aimor Electric Works, Ltd. ,Tokyo / Circa 1960's Lawson style 101, 1935-1940
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I rescued this forlorn little Waltham mantel clock during yesterday's shopping spree. It was sitting on the shelf at VOA all week. I kept passing it over even at fifteen dollars because it was missing the pendulum bob and it's key. I took the chance it would run for the seven dollars and fifty cents though. I got the idea to make the "bob" from a large washer I found in the tool shed and a paper clip. Don't laugh it works just fine and started to run instantly and ran all night ! Super loud two note chime on the half and counts the hours. The Asian movements are pretty rugged and reliable. I have two wall clocks that are Chinese. This one is labeled made in Korea. It ran a little fast initially so I lowered it to the end of the paper clip... viola ! Perfect time. When it stops however without a key I can't wind it. The two keys I do have are too big and too small. This of course takes the middle size key which I'll have to buy on Ebay, but another successful rescue ! -Mike-

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      Thanks Ken :)..... keys are fairly inexpensive. It's just waiting for it to arrive that I hate. I'm so
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 11 years ago
      Great Job and ingenious fabrication, Congrats on a great clock
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      Thanks kerry.... high praise from the master :)

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