Posted 11 years ago
(413 items)
This is a ruin on my land, with it's lock and key. There are also a couple of mule shoes, they look to Small for horses or ponies, these were found separately near the ruin.
People left Spain when General Franco was in power, they left everything, because they could not make a living out of farming.
There are lots of such ruins in Spain today.
Thank you for looking
Amazing photo ! Sad what happened but love that the ruins were left and not bulldozed down .
We need to do something very soon or it's all going to collapse, I don't want that to happen. It just needs some T L C.
Me either maybe some mortar ? You have the most beautiful view ! What a beautiful piece of land you have . I would be in awe every morning looking at your view and the ruins .
At the moment it's very hot and dry, but you expect that at this time of the year. The views are great the Med at one side and Mountains all around, yes I'm very lucky. Thank you Manikin.
It is great that you want to preserve this ruin!
You see a ruin. I see a monument left to be appreciated. Thanks for sharing it, I love the photo's.
There is so much to do, everything here is a on going project. Never a dull moment.
Yes I think you are very correct in saying it is a monument. It is a part of the history of the people who left.
Memories from the past, deep tracks that need be preserved, great post!
Couldn't agree more. Thank you for dropping by.
Many thanks
Many thanks
Started doing a bit of excavating today.
It's going to be a big job, it's going to be interesting in what we find.
In the second photo today we found pieces of wood and what seem to be nails. I cleaned the window sill, doesn't it look lovely. I found lots of terracotta tiles and what looks to be a tile for a window sill.
Well done! This is very interesting, love it! I will wait for new details ;)
Thanks so much for share!
It going to take a while. At the moment it is really hot, I did a hour.
In September it should be cooling down, so can get more work done.
Thanks for your comments if you fancy a trip to Spain and do a bit of digging, lol.
Lol!!! I will go and will be a pleasure! :)
You are right, better wait to the first times of autumn, meantime, enjoy the summer! ;)
2nd day.
Dug for 3 hours, hey presto, here is a lovely stone floor. Found more nails, wood, part of I a lock I think Its part of the lock I found yesterday and a round ring which I think is modern.
Big and hard work, very nice! Love the stone floor too.
Still you have many to do and its fantastic, day by day, slowly and with calm ;)
Thanks for share!!!
Thank you, Virginia, My face is sunburnt, lol.
I think I'm going to have to get up earlier, not one of my strongest points.
If I can get a small path within the ruin I can manage to get the mini digger in to clear the heavier stones at the far end. Well that's what I'm thinking, watch this space
Lol! Please be careful :)
Yes, early morning its the best but of course not easy ;)
True, you need a small path free to can do a more comfortable job.
Agree with you, a new space but take care ok? Dont forget, slowly ;)
I'm sat having a well earned cold beer, yummy. Many thanks Virginia :)
Great!!! lol! :) Enjoy!!
How exciting!!! I'll be keeping an eye out too, to see what you find. I'm happy for you and wish I one day can do something like this. Wow! Good Luck!
Thank you,shareurpassion. I'm looking forward to see what is unearthed.
Day 3
Did more than I should.
Found the door entrance with step, there are a couple of stone tiles missing at the step.
There is what I can only describe has a step made of of a lovely marble stone. I thought these houses were only one level, it's under the window, if anybody has any ideas.
Where the door was theres a piece of wood very delicate I think this might be the bottom of the wooden door.
If you have any ideas please let me know.
Many thanks
Love the Dalmatian :)
Is name his Pongo.
He can be very naughty, lol he wouldn't move for the photo so here he his.
I cant belive, wow! Nice job!!
So quickly, you had the lovely two dogs help really? :)
The space more clear now and I agree with you, maybe these type of old contructions were made with a level under the floor as a room to tools, provisions and including some animals in hard winter times.
I repeat again...slowly and safe, ok? :)
Thanks so much for share your daily work with us!
No they don't help, Millie the Spanish Water Dog is only interested in her ball. Pongo the Dalmation hides during the day and comes out in the evening more sense then me.
You could be right about the Animals, there is a little part of the ruin which I haven't shown on the photos, I always assume the animals lived in that part.
Even now when you drive round this area, people still have Goats either under their houses or very close. Very smelly especially this time of year. Thanks Virginia
Dogs work was a joke of course ;)
Yes, I saw one with a ball in the mouth, love it!
Can imagine the smell in summer time,lol!
Go with patient...may a hidden treasure its waiting for you :)
I doubt very much if there are going to be hidden treasure, but may be fire place, who knows.
I was wondering on the third photo there is a square hole about half way up. It looks has if was for a wooden beam? There are a few in the same place along the building, surely its to low for a beam.
If it was for a floor above then they must have been tiny.
Yes, I think a fire place can be an option too, I dont know if more tiny.
Anyway, this is great!!!
Day 5. It's looking good.
What a job you done!
The stone floor would have been a wonderful surprise!!!
As said, be very carefull when moving stones, it could collapse in one second if not secured...
Love the dogs too, mine are always on our house pictures, showing their butts, lol!
Thanks Kyra I'm leaving earth on the right hand side to support the wall it probably needs some (scaffolding), I can't do that.
I'm enjoying it, I hope there is a fireplace at least :)
Rest day tomorrow.
You are doing an incredible big effort and a great job, relax now to tomorrow! :)
Many thanks
Nearly there.
Looks great! A nice spot to relax under the stars.
Many thanks for your comments and loves.
Many thanks
very mysterious...this could take some siestas before restored,good luck amigo!!!
Wow, you did an amazing job, looking the photos I think too about how old it is? Really I dont know but looks very antique, its a mistery.
I remember now on of my favourites books "El Alquimista" by Paulo Coelho, the young man find the treasure hidden in an old ruin in Spain. lol! ;)
Thanks Virginia, I have found more things but I'm going to put them together on the other site when I have finished. No treasure :( Also thank you for you comment artislove.
Dont worry for this, just a simple comment ;)
You found the real treasure in the pleasure of these days working around the wonderful nature, feeling the air and sun and I think sharing with us :)
Many, many thanks Virginia.
artislove, yes many siestas lol
Many thanks
At the moment we are beginning to rebuild part of the walls.
Many thanks