Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
This belonged to my great grandmother. My mum's 87 now so it's got to be at least 150 years old. The only markings are "made in japan" and the tea pot has a number "54" on it. It's been hand painted and is really, really fine china. I believe it would make a wonderful cup of tea but I am too scared to try in case the hot water breaks it. Even the cups are not absolutely all the same diameter so perhaps it is hand made as well. Any information on it would be appreciated.
I have no idea , but these are stunning!!
welcome to cw!!
The Japanese experts here really know their stuff, I would be surprised if you don't have an answer today! Welcome to CW.
Regards William.
Very beautiful !
You don't need to worry about hot water. These were made for hot tea. Hand washing only. Mild detergent. Nice to know that you appreciate these lovely old treasures.
excessive rubbing will take some of the luster off.