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Blue,white,purples and pink vase - almost an oil spill look - sold as seller thinking Cathiness glass

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Art Glass15683 of 23524HOYA Glass OwlPink Glass Vase - THOMAS WEBB/JULES BARBE
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (100 items)

    can moderators turn the correct way-thank you

    gorgeous little vase of many colours, inside like a dark colbalt or bristol blue glass inner...

    about 4.5 inches tall

    has that spatter look with glass up from pontil...

    any ideas?

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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      Very nice Anne :)...I think I have this vases cousin and mines a mystery too .
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      beautiful!! very lovely!!!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      I saw this for sale Anne and it interested me too...even though I didn't bid.

      It's a nice piece of glass, and looks "something", though i don't know what!
      the shape is OK for Caithness but the colours don't, well not to me after a 2 min study of Caithness glass!
    4. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      thanks everyone. Yes Karen I know what you mean about it loking like something!

      The texture is very much an addition to the inner blue case. I'm looking at it now and I realise the borders around the white/pink speckles are actually the inner blue coming through. It picks up the light though incredibly. This affect is just beautiful as you literally can see the rainbow prism forming all over it. I uled over buying it too for many weeks. It was just so small I thought why bother. But something drew me to it one Saturday afternoon and I did the buy it now or auction rate and won it I think at $7.99. And its the sweetest litlle thing that looks very at home on the current mix on that particular table. I'm in trouble though. There are 7 more stripes, honeycomb and applied "Welz/Kralik styles on their way. This table arrangement will shortly become a fully fledged style representation and a fully blwn collection basis of its own. I'm desperate for a French Dresser.

      Now that I'm actively "buying" again post spending my life savings on treatment I can honestly say I feel so blessed at what Ive got and yet so determined to find the several gaps I have now, brought on by the love of many great decors.

      The fact that its tiny doesnt really matter. I will go as far to say that if it were much igger it might look gawdy.And I dont know why but it just feels like its Loetz. That whole decorative artwork and oil spill nature reminds me of the work they do with irridescent textures. But I'm probablt wrong.

      However every apsect of the design ouses quality. And the cutest thing about the shape is how it tapers at the top to form a 45 degree angle with the flat rim sitting on top if you get my point. Some amazing ppl in here have been fantastic to part with items from their collection. Some were actively selling and I just happened to fall over them on ebay and others we just got talking and they offered items for sale. I'm glad too that I bought a couple of dearer than I would have expected to pay items because they have helped create a really good mix.But if you invest in time and have really strong networks then yo can build up a really solid collection quite easily. But some of those stupd prices you see on ebay, you just have to wonder how on earth they came up with their price models. You lesrn though.

      I've taken a few bits of advice along my journey. When I started to collect in porcelain and ceramics a very "famous" celebrity auction prgramme host told me "Anne, buy what you like. Chances are if you have to sell it, someone else will like t too". He went on to say set standards or rather levels of what you believe you should and should not pay. Always ask for a discount if you think the price is too high but have a reason for it, not just that you want to pay less. And if you find a great seller, don't lose them. Similarly they would be foolish to lose you too. He said I had a good eye for good quality items but to make sure I do my research.
      And his last piece of advice was "don't buy broken stock". He ran a very successful antiques business for many years, mainly in antique furniture. He said he spent many hours with a big ticket item, ensuring what he had was both genuine and in good order.

      I've rattled on again! Gosh it's easy to do on a topic I love to talk about.

      Thank you nuts, you always love my items, you are a genuine sweetheart. Karen of course, I love your active engagement and suggestions..... Merissa has written the card, just time to go look is our limit. But we will get this done soon :) . Mike again, always loving and coming up with ideas. Your lovely vase is clear wheras on mine the clear is cobalt blue from the inner case. Very much like Bristol Blue glass or those old pharmacy storage bottles that kept the powders and liquids. And the beautiful Sean, who I miss incredibly when away from have a huge and kind heart....

      Geo, Moon and Manikin- thank you for the loves...

      Be back another time soon...Anne xxx

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