Posted 10 years ago
(438 items)
Here is what happens when you go hunting and can't find any precious bug...
Began of course with one, then I needed more ;-)
Intended to remove hairs, dust, BUGS from hats and clothes.
The double one is called "vergette".
This post is not a joke! ;-)
Love them. Neat finds
These are great! Thanks for sharing them...
An unusual post and I love it!
Nice Brushes!
I too have a brush collection, and a few like this. Here I have seen them used by barbers to brush the hair off patrons after the haircut is done.
Your brushes are much nicer than mine. :-)
Bootson, have you seen my best brush in the precedent post?
As a brush collector, would you like to contribute to it?
Thanks Moonstone, toolate, Virginia and Bootson for your nice comments :-)
Thanks too to all the brush lovers, hurrah for brush power!
Could some of them double as chess pieces? Or be brushes to clean chess boards?
TubeAmp, I can't let this post go crazy. (~_ ~)
It is a real brush mania one! ;-)
Id, merci!
Phil, many thanks for your comment!
I'm not so maniac about these, but love their touch and turned wood.
Amazing as such modest useful things can appeal !
They are very nice!!
i love them!! i have a collection of about 30 old brushes - mostly painter's brushes though.
Phil... Was deleted
"It seems like you and other Show & Tellers have had enough of a chance to let off a little steam, but now we are starting to get complaints from other users."
I want to thank all the connoisseurs who went have fun with my post, which had no meaning to be offendant :-/
I had so much laughs and was so happy to discover the crazy part of all :-D
P.S. The brush seemed so valuable from your says that a burglar took it!
So we'll never know who was right...
Loved your brush antics over the last few days but didn't comment myself as the person being teased had been extremely rude to me personally and I didn't want to be seen to be attacking him, even in fun.
It is typical that the CW administrators will delete your post for having a bit of fun with other regular CW users but does nothing about the many "new" posters who are simply looking appraisals for items, many don't even bother to say thank you when the research is done for them. I assume a single post counts as membership and is as important as a member of long standing.
Thanks Gracay!
CW said they were starting to get complaints from other users...
Nothing was offendant, but I shoudn't have mentionned the 662 mysteries for 14 loves part...
Thousand thanks to the 21 lovers!
I have complained about the deletion of your post, I hope others will do the same.
I was hilarious too from taking the pictures, then during all the comments!
Little others in a while? Yes, let's do that ;-)
Weekly??? Lol
Next will be a total mystery for MOST, wait and see ;-)
I am in !!! I love to take time for fun once in awhile and a lot of creative minds on CW. Yes we can do it without using it as a format to offend anyone :-)
My last post about Nobel is not the fun mystery ;-)
You will know when it will be the one!
Just to let you Kyratango , I never said anything to cw at all by all means...... nor I never complained to cw as well .
I just spoken my peace directly to you on the posting you had.
Sweetie Sean, I never thought that you complained to CW! You are really the peaceful one!
I just wondered why somebody did!
Here is a suggestion I just sent to Collectors Weekly:
"Please consider adding a simple chat forum where members can go to chat. As it is now, member clutter posts with off topic chat as there isn't an alternative. Even a private message system would be useful."
My apologies Kyratango, for cluttering up your post.
Id, there is no problem with Sean!
CW was certainly watching the pink brush post and thought he was upset!
Please, don't be over reactive, I know you are a well intended, friendly person :-)
TubeAmp, your comment is totally appropriate, I would like a "anything else, polite category" !
We (not the others, lol) are here to share, be instructed, even having fun...
If somebody is misbehaved, just stay AWAY :-)
Just received my test results too... Only the address was good!
This is a joke to make you keep on smile, Lisa!
As far as I know... YES!
Thankyou sweetie kyratango!!! :)
Thanks to the 24 lovers!
Valentino, ALL our baubles are FINE ;-)
And priceless! LOL
Id, I have a wide culture, BUT... superficial! ;-))
Ha! Found another brush power agent!
Love that link
Thanks Bootson :-)
25 brush lovers! Woaah! Thanks all ;-)
Thanks Pops52! :-)
Thanks lisa!
CindB, that's what I bought when there was impossible to find any precious bugs, lol! Any antique worth collecting ;-)
Many thanks for your kind comment!
this is wonderful!!!
Thanks Iras for loving my hairy brushes :-D
Thank you Ho2cultcha for the enthousiastic comment about them !
Wow! Fantastic post.
Thank you Elisabethan :-)
The deleted brush post we were referring to was about a very used pink plastic nail brush "which I have since many many years and know nothing about" ;-))
We had lot of fun with possible identification and uses!