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Cobalt glass item of indeterminate use

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1 item)

    I have no idea what this is. Do you know? It measures about 2.25 inches in diameter at the large sloped end, which has an unthreaded recess that extends through three quarters of the objects length. The overall length of the object is approximately 4 inches. There is a narrow (approximately .25 inch wide) slot bisecting the outer surface which extends nearly to the presumed base of the object.

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    1. RogerWHolmes, 11 years ago
      Do you have any idea what this item is? The current owner doesn't know for sure, but she thinks it could be a tail light diffuser. It may be an insulator of some sort.
    2. Cpomedx Cpomedx, 9 years ago
      I believe they are a type of candle holder.
      The recesses are where the shaped wire holder positions the individual glass .
      I have frosted examples exactly the same at home.
      Hope that illuminates a bit!
    3. Cpomedx Cpomedx, 9 years ago
      Happy if someone has another answer though.
    4. kennethleblanc kennethleblanc, 9 years ago
      They almost look like glass insulators like you would find on the old telegraph lines. . if they are , they are of a style I have not seen before.

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