Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
I am completely baffled by this is very thick is 5/8" thick at the rim and the base achieves almost two inches thick...stands 9 1/4" tall and is a fluted shape with a 2 1/8"diameter at the top....beautiful pond etching with flora and has two etched Chinese(?) markings, may be both artist and factory markings...also has a sticker label saying "Taiwan China"....very heavy piece and one I have never come across...if anyone has any idea of its age or origins, I would be grateful for that information...BTW...very nice site and forum...Nick
i Nick.
I have seen similar vases before that were attributed as made in Japan, but have not been able to find out much about them.
So happy to see yours with a sticker.
I can't help much except say that Taiwan has had a long and large glass industry, especially in cut glass, and their work has often been under valued.
The foil sticker on this would probably put it in the 50s to 60s age.
Thanks for the info... Yes it truly did catch my eye... And it's one of the most unusual pieces I have seen. Incredible thickness... Not sure of the lead content and whether it would qualify as crystal... Rim has a distinctive green glow...
I know nothing about your vase, but it is very beautiful!
With the help of the internet -- I did find something similar -- but I am not sure where they got their date info (??). It has a similar label but has R.O.C under the word (for Republic of China). What is interesting is that the one in the link - the glass etching have color in them. I note in your Pic # 4 you can also see some remnants of some red color too in the Chinese Writing. So this link might be worth while to take a gander at. Again, I do not know where they got the date there, so just saying....till more info found, you might want to take that date with a grain of salt...
Scroll down in Link. The Listing has ended, but you can see hold the Pic magnifier over the image.
Hope that helps some.... ;-)
My daughter has a piece with the same markings. Would love to know what it is!