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Rindskopf's Green Iridescent OIL SPOT Bowl- Identified

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Bohemian Art Glass4866 of 6919Czech Deco Frit Spatter Petal Footed  Candy Dish BaseMatching Welz Candlesticks - Rainbow Honeycomb Décor
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (436 items)

    I looked-up the different Loetz sites trying to definitely give this bowl a name but it's a challenging affair. Looking-up similar decors on Loetz items for sale on eBay is even more frustrating. I've seen it described as Astraa, Astaea, Creta Papillon, Candia Papillon, Peacock and the most obvious Oil Spot which is probably not the Loetz name but which makes the most sense. I found this yesterday at a local Sunday Flea Market. It measures 8 1/2" wide by 3" tall and has an unsigned deep polished pontil. Is it even Loetz? Thanks for any help. RER(BOB)

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Bob, this is one of the most gorgeous bowls next to my Diaspora. That I have ever seen! Truly stunning.
    2. Mac63 Mac63, 11 years ago
      Bob I am with Gary on this one. Did you get this one in the city this past weekend?
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks Lee, Gary and Mac for the comments & Love and thanks MichelleB007 for the Love. BOB
      Mac! I got this bowl & the Fenton that I uploaded yesterday & more at the South-end Ottawa show that is held every Sunday off Albion Rd.
    4. Mac63 Mac63, 11 years ago
      Bob I thought you were closer to Toronto. I will be in Ottawa later this coming fall - I will have to check this out. Thanks.
    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you valentino97, mikelv85, antiquerose, colori and vetraio50 for the love. BOB
    6. smiata smiata, 11 years ago
      Absolutely beautiful! Nice find.
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you VioletOrange, racer4four, inky and smiata for the love & comments. BOB
    8. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks IanBrighton for the love. RER(BOB)
    9. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks geo26e for the love. RER(BOB)
    10. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you kyratango for the love. RER(BOB)
    11. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 10 years ago
      Thank you austrohungaro and GlueChip for the love. RER(BOB)

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