Posted 11 years ago
(25 items)
This show and tell is in response to mikeigotit's post about Tapa cloth. These 3 Tapa cloths were in a box with another fabric that is definitely Native American so I initially thought that this Tapa cloth was also native American, but after reading mikrigotit's post in the comments vetraio50 identified this fabric as Tapa. These 3 pieces were pinned together with a tag that said Tapa $22.00. So they aren't all that valuable, but they are an interesting type of fabric. Each one of these three pieces are 17.5 inches long by 11.125 inches wide.
I can see why. my first impression too was Native American Print. Beautiful !
This may have been sold as a set of placemats, a tourist's souvenir from a trip to Hawaii.
TubeAmp, they're the right size for a placemat. Thanks.
You are welcome Vrgdc.