Posted 11 years ago
(765 items)
This is an update on a recent posting. I just acquired not only the Acorn topper and the seller threw in the line and pump as a gift! I feel so blessed and happy. Now the bottle is complete! I hope you enjoy! The acorn topper is what was placed on these aurene bottles.
Thanks for looking!
It's absolutely lovely, you are blessed.
Agh, many thanks
So gorgeous!! I can't believe you were able to find the acorn top!
Pease, beyond lucky. Completely. Thank you
You are blessed my friend it's beautiful all together as it should be.
Michelle, I am still stunned that I found one at all. I could pinch myself. Thanks for your wonderful comment.
Zowie, thank you :)))))))
Manikin, many thanks
Good for you Moon!!! Oh my gosh...I have to say that was quick. I have never been lucky enough to find one that quickly. It looks priceless!!! Congrats!
Smiata, I got super lucky and ran with it. I feel like walking on air!!! Thanks for your love and comment!!!
Geo, many thanks
Phil, many thanks
It gets better each time I look at it. I'm having problems downloading photos not happy
Zowie, very humbled
Oh, this is nice, is that turquoise on top, the acorn??? Wait a have shown just the vase part itself before, right? And you're saying you found the whole top piece? Wow, that's crazy cool...
Share, yup found the original topper. Got very blessed. Love it. Xo
That is how I have always found you humble not a lot of people are inclined that way anymore top lady
Zowie, you are the best and a wonderful friend !!
Thank you I try not to hurt anyone or leave mean messages to anyone as we all have our own opinion.