Posted 11 years ago
(436 items)
This Candy Box was made in a multitude of Colors in the 1950's by the Imperial Glass Company of Bellaire, Ohio. The catalogues of that time displayed these colors but it did not show it being made in Satin Crystal. In the late 1970's, Imperial re-introduced items in Satin Crystal and I think that this box could be of that time period. It demonstrates excellent Crystal quality and even challenges Lalique Glass. They had made this claim openly but had to retract it when Lalique threatened them with legal action. It measures 5 1/2" tall by 4 5/8" across and has 4 different designs in 8 panels. RER(BOB)
nice octagon box, BOB; IG also made a similar hex box in earlier years with plain panels that were often hand cut with various patterns.
Thanks TallCakes! Do you agree that this could be a reissue of the late 70's or is it an early Satin Glass Hex Box ? BOB
I couldn't find any octagon boxes in my limited catalogs. I think later reissues would be marked; others I located on line had a design on the bottom with the IG mark.
with Lalique you don't see the mold seams ...
In the 1rst volume of James Measell's Imperial Glass Encyclopedia on page 191, there are 6 different colored Hexagon Boxes shown but none in Satin Crystal. RER
Thanks again and thanks aghcollect for the love. RER(BOB)
but this is an octagon box
from what I can find this is Imperial Glass #736
the only one at "R" is crystal with gold noting c.1969
I've just read that the Hex Box was actually decorated with grape patterns on all of the SIX sides so I've really been in la-la land when researching this box. I wonder if I was mislead by other boxes listed on eBay. You are right, this is an "Octo-box".......actually, the ones on page 191 mentioned above are described as ;" PAGE 191 -This original color print shows Imperial's No. 736 box and cover, which was marketed in 1964 as the -Butterpats Sweets Server-" The butterpats probably refer to the panels. Sorry about the confusion. The colors shown and listed are 651 Crystal, 652 Milk Glass, 653 Amber, 654 Moonlight Blue, 655 Cranberry and 656 Mustard. Still no Satin ones shown. BOB
While I was writing my above message, you had found the right pattern number "736. Thanks TallCakes for the help, BOB
god to know your book agrees with "R" and others with labels I found.
Thanks AmberRose for the love. BOB