Posted 11 years ago
(15 items)
This appears to be a green depression glass vase with lid, but I am not sure that the lid is the original lid. There is a marking on the bottom which I cannot make out but it appears to be oval but I cannot read what is inside (did I say I was blind as a bat?). Any help with identification would be so appreciated! As promised, a close up photo of the top of the vase without lid and bottom of the vase. I hope this helps in further identification.
Not bad at all I have never seen this before
Certainly looks like Fenton to me - click this link for color and pattern, not sure about the diamond though? Unless after 1970? Do you happen to have the new Warmanss 2015 Antique Guide, look at page 485 - what you have (I believe) is the opalescent rib Optic pattern. Does it have a handle like a jug? The lid should match the pattern and finial should be more of a milky color. I would attach a photo but, I don't see that I can here. I will see if I have a way to send to you - will make it easier. You can also refer to, you can get the actual name of the color, although I believe yours is topaz opalescent, possibly 20's? idk without looking. Hope this helps
Scroll down you can see variations of the color under "New World" = not sure how the 2 married, maybe just referred to differently, but on page 488 of same book shows you the pattern in green and cranberry.
There are many on this page - but your color is fantastic!! Not a very common find, beautiful!!
Wow! Thanks so much. I am going to take another picture of the top without the lid in place and submit that because it just looks strange to me. Like I said, I do not think that the lid goes with the vase, but I could be wrong. You are right, there is not one that is exactly like this vase. I am just learning more about glass and do not know that much about it, I just liked the color of the vase and thought it looked different when I bid on it in the auction.
You're welcome. It drives me crazy when I can't identify something. I pinned your beautiful vase on my Pintrest "Vase Addiction" collection lol FOR SURE, Love it, I would have bought it had I a chance! Did you get to go to the links? Sorry I couldn't spend a lot of time on it, I am learning more about Fenton from some pieces I picked up, one of which was also a opalescent rib optic, or New Order vase.
Yes, I did get a look at the beautiful pieces in the link. I just did not see one that was exactly like it. The part that is bothering me is how the top looks with the lid off. I am not very good at operating the camera and am waiting for my daughter to get up and take some pictures with her professional camera since they come out so much better. The top kind of looks unfinished or something. Further pictures coming a little later today.
I saw one "almost" exact with a lid, but it wasn't a vase, I think it was in one of the links? idk, but the lid mimicked the vase as far as color and pattern, was not clear. It was a pitcher thought, not a vase. Let me know if you do not see and I will try to send you a new link =)
Sure looks like the Fenton mark, from what I have read, Fenton did not mark their glass until after 1970, (they started sandblasting it in then). I was going to attach a photo, but I don't see that I can do that. You can go to this link and it shows you pictures of each years "number" (0 - 01 - 02 etc) under the Obling circle with "Fenton" sandblasted inside of it I am also finding more of the optic rib in your color (vases) on the Ruby Lane website it GORGEOUS - For yours, its as if it is an unfinished piece?? (with no top?) idk =)
I FOUND IT!!!! It is called a "TEMPLE JAR" and that IS the lid (that you have) - your "TEMPLE JAR" is simply not painted =) Look:
Quite a gorgeous find you have!
so glad you found it; never would have thought the lid was a match either. It always helps to see marks to limit searching. The floral painted version was part of the 'Honor' collection in the 2004 Fenton catalog:
Thank you all so much... you are all amazing! So glad I found this site and that the people here are so friendly and helpful to us novices! Appreciate the kind comments!
Thanks for coming! This is a great site and Tallcakes is THE BEST of THE BEST, he's helped me several times!! =)
What a great post & detective work. Very interesting