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Very "old" glazed ceramic beer bottle

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Beer Bottles325 of 356Spiel bacher "Special Hell" Beer!More bottles
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (224 items)

    This ceramic beer bottle was found by me while building a home on the St Johns river in Jacksonville Fl. This was in a waterfront area of the river that was settled in the early 1800's and was found in among of very old brick that was dumped so long ago there was 12 inches of earth over the piles of brick. There were also trees growing out of several of the piles.They appeared to have come from the brick paved roads of downtown Jacksonville that were dug up starting in the 1920's & 30's. This was the only bottle of its kind found among these several dozen of what appeared to be wagon loads of these brick that were dumped there many years ago. I think that maybe a worker hauling this brick debris stopped to enjoy a beer during his day. Very cool piece.

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