Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
Found this face down in my attic last spring. I've lived here 10 years, house was built in 1929. Previous owners had been here several decades, had various businesses, I assume a restaurant. From the prices, anyone guess the time era? 60's? Heavy metal sign, hand painted. Runs of white paint on the back where the paint ran over the top. No two same letters are alike and have a raised feel. Canada Dry symbols are old stickers or decals that are starting to crack. No signatures or dates. That's all I know of it. Not sure what it's worth but it'll sure look cool on my garage wall!
Thanks for the response folks! I was thinking 60's or 70's but don't know how to research prices then. And the construction insight is great! Why Royal Crown Cola? The back of it is a dark green primer or Olive Drab, if that means anything. Also, I'm thinking a mom-pop place as they had such a variety. I remember places like this when I was growing up.