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Walkin' dog progresssssssssssssssssssssssss...

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (766 items)

    So,it's been a long time,but I'M BA--CK!

    So we started working on the "WALKIN' dog" on July 4th (see pic #1)
    we put a motor in it,got it running,went through everything(BRAKES,FUEL SYS., ETC.) to make it safe and reliable .REMEMBER WE ARE NOT RESTORING IT,WE WANT IT TO LOOK ORIGINAL!And a new set of radial tires(first time on radials!)

    What do you think of my interior clean-up?(pic#2)no reproduction parts were used,all are 1966 vintage!

    Pic#3...I junked it!
    lol I was "road testing" it in our barn lot and stopped for some pics!

    Pic #4 The "Walkin' dog" and "Red" together again(they are almost twins) again out "road-testing" both of them!

    So, other than license plates ,it's ready for the road,and an antique car parade later this month!

    Thanks for looking!

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