Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
I was recently given a set of Johnson Brothers England dishes and have found out that they are a great great great grandmothers. I have since learned they are the Biltmore pattern but I was curious of the date they would have been made as I don't have any paper work with them. Does anyone know exactly or even roughly??????
Thank you!
If anyone knows or can direct me to a website or company that may know the date that would be great! Thank you in advance. :)
Hi, I hope you get this as it's a very old request. This is transferware from about 1912. I also am working on a set. I have 129 pieces now. It appears that there are like 3 of everything for platters and bowls. It's very hard to find anything. There is a company in Neptune NJ that has Waterford dishes that is supposed to have there Johnson Brothers history. Here is the number: 1-732-938-5800