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Brunswick Max Red Band ABC/WIBC Bowling Pin

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Bowling83 of 127Brunswick Max Red Crown Bowling PinBrunswick Max Vultex II Bowling Pin Chimera
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (46 items)

    Here is the obsolete prior version of the Brunswick Max, perhaps one of the most common bowling pins in the U.S. This is not current as it bears the sanctioning stamp of the now-defunct ABC (American Bowling Congress) and WIBC (Women's International Bowling Congress). This occurred in 2005 when these bodies merged with YABA and USA Bowling to form the current bowling sanctioning body, the USBC (United States Bowling Congress). This pin bears the standard single-color medallion stamp with the stylized Brunswick "B" logo. The dual stripe neck band is of one of the design variants on this pin with the other being the historical crown design. Control weight of about 3.5 pounds and standard dimension of 15" x 4.5" approximately.

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    1. gmercury2000, 10 years ago
      I was always a fan of the red crown version. Just because it was different than the stripes. Still nice pin either way!

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