Posted 11 years ago
(649 items)
The German description for this decor in the Series II paper patterns is "Kristall schiefgewalzt mit grünen tropfen", along with "angelegter Rand" - which loosely means crystal "marvered at an angle" or "rolled aslant" - with green drips. Angelegter Rand means melted on or applied rim. Two other things I learned - one is that when measuring the height of a piece with a wavy rim, the book gives the measurement to the lowest point on the rim, not the highest or anywhere in between. The second is the difference between "grün" or green, and "creta", which is a slightly darker green, but not as dark as "dunkelgrün" (dark green). The green on this one pops against the crystal optic - it's like St Patrick's Day green!
This is one in a series of shapes with the same decoration that appears in the 1908 time frame. There may well be an Ausführung number associated with this decor, but I haven't found it... yet.
At any rate, it's a great little piece that would easily pass for Kralik (as the seller of this piece thought) if one didn't know better. It's a cool little piece - enjoy!
Warren that was a great connection you made! I'm curious, what clued you in initially that it might be Loetz vs Kralik?
Brian, it was mainly the crystal body with the optic twists. I was aware of this series of shapes in crystal with green drips due to the research I've been doing for I had just never seen one before - until now. The Kralik pieces I've seen are all iridescent and usually have some kind of martele or glatt finish.