Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
Hello: We have recently inherited an almost complete set of this Noritake china dinnerware set. Some of the pieces are stamped "Made in Occupied Japan" There is not pattern name on any of the pieces. Can anyone help us ID this pattern name?
Is this your post from 2 years ago?
The pattern is called "Chevonia" - Item#: 65797
Manufacturer Status: Discontinued Circa: 1948 -
Pattern: Chevonia by Noritake [N CHEV] Pattern #: 6003
No, this is my first post but I did see that someone else posted the same pattern two years ago. Thank you aghcollect for your reply! I am very excited to have finally found a name so we can expand the collection.
I have recently received an email from telling us the pattern name is Fiesta. To my eye Fiesta and Chevonia look identical. Does anyone know if there is a difference? Many thanks for your help.
Actually, I believe this to be Clermont.
I know this is kind of a late reply (8 years to be exact) but the pattern is NOT Claremont. The pattern is Fiesta. Noritake does have a pattern Claremont which is very similar, but the Claremont pattern's blue is uninterrupted and Fiesta has a beige rose pattern in the middle of the blue. Claremont is marketed under the Noritake name while Fiesta is marketed under the Rose China name. Rose China Fiesta WAS made by Noritake but at the time it was made, it was difficult keeping quality control so they temporarily named the china "Rose China" instead of Noritake.