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BMC Special 8

In Model Cars > Pedal Cars > Show & Tell.
Pedal Cars843 of 891My 1949 or 1950 Fire Chief Pedal Car. Dads  pedal  firetruck   Elgin Fire Dept.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This is a Special 8 I restored to match a 1934 gas pump that I restored, to BeeLine gasoline.
    I smoothed out all body line, the entire body is smooth as glass.
    Thanks for looking.

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    1. Al from texas, 14 years ago
      fantastic! I am finishing a red one.... it was my car long time ago.... I need to get an steering wheel and fine tune the pedal links... it was a pleasure finding your car...
    2. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      is this the same car that JasGirl posted 6 months ago? The hair is up on the back of my neck here.........
    3. lifeisgood, 14 years ago
      No this is one I tripped over in an antique store and noticed it.
      It was a broken down rust bucket when I found it.
    4. fourpeepsake fourpeepsake, 13 years ago
      Absolutely fantastic restoration. Thanks for sharing it.
    5. swedejohanson, 10 years ago
      Have A Red One In My Basement, Requires Restoration and a Few Parts. NO RUST, Need Exhaust, Decals, Shifter, Hub Caps & Paint Job. Likely A Winter Project.

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