Posted 11 years ago
(95 items)
Hello CW!
This is a vintage puppet head, a gift from my brother, he found it in a garage sale.
Made of rubber, maybe not so old (70s).
I think he is ready to his bedtime but its a little creepy to sleep on my room, lol ;)
With love,
very cute.. love this!!
So glad you like it Sean, many and many thanksss! ;)
He looks like "Punch
from Old Punch and Judy Puppets :-) Keeping it short on a notebook and is hard for me to type only 2nd day on it :-) My PC back tomorrow ! Can't wait .
Hi Manikin! Many thanks for your contribution, first time that I heard about! ;)
Yes, I know your situtation with the Pc and can understand, days dont pass for you but relax, tomorrow it will stay with you again :)
Thanks so much for the love Jewels! ;)
Many thanks aghcollect!!
Many thanks valentino97 and geo26e! ;)
Here is one of their puppet shows :- )
Many and many thanks for the links (video and page) Manikin!!
What story has this "Punch", lol!! :)
Your very welcome :-) xo
Thanks so much fortapache!
I can only give this a like, I think he would scare children & some adults :-)
True walksoftly! lol!
I will put it as decor in the garden, this night he will not sleep into home :)
Better safe than sorry!
This is really true! :);_ylt=AwrBT72tpRhUtxYAJDBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dXE3bGFuBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ2Nl8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-224-s&va=punch+puppets
Yep this is Mister punch, really neat!
Thanks so much for the link pops52, how many "Mister Punch" ;)
Recent information so today can know what I have in my hands!! ;)
To racer4four and Trey, many and many thanks!! ;)
Thanks so much vetraio50!
Many thanks southcop and Daddy!!
Many and many thanks for the love tom61375! ;)
You are very welcome Virginia! =^)
love him....not to scary... ;-)
Lol, do you think! ;)
Many thanks for the love and funny comment kerry ;)
Yes, he like my youngest brother, so use to that look :-)
Wow, as your brother, this is good! ;)
Many thanks dclee! ;)
Many thanks mrcolorz for the love!
Thanks a lot my friend! :)
Hi V! :)))
Hiiii J!!!! How are you friend? :))
I'm great friend! Thank you for that great video yesterday! Love it!
How are you? :)
Oh glad to know you like the video J :)
Im well, watching lovely new post here, is very interesting and Im learning always.
I enjoy!! :)