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Biblica Bible

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Bibles64 of 141bible scroll with flip bookGerman bible
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (3 items)

    I found this in the trunk also a old bible... I need help . What kind of bible is this is it norweign. I really would like the history of it...

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    1. Terrabettis819 Terrabettis819, 10 years ago
      I really need to know the history of this beautiful Bible. I hope someone can tell me its wonderful history.
    2. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      It looks like Italian . Can you show cover and are there etchings in it ?
    3. Terrabettis819 Terrabettis819, 10 years ago
      No etchings just plan cover worn on front
    4. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      There are no photo's in Bible at all ?
    5. Terrabettis819 Terrabettis819, 10 years ago
      none all print my email is
    6. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      When in doubt, read what it says... as much of English is Germanic in origin, you can make out the word Stockholm, which is the capital of Sweeden.

      T A
    7. Terrabettis819 Terrabettis819, 10 years ago
      Yes I see that now.... So its a Italian. nice... I understand so now I can google information .
    8. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      Svensk Bibel = Swedish Bible

      T A
    9. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      This looks a lot like yours but it does have etchings -photo's in Bible
    10. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      It says on link that this person found a old bible for only 20 dollars :-) and he is very happy with that !
      Illustrerade bibeln från 1874, den tjockaste bok jag köpt (om man räknar bort ordböcker).
      Idag gjorde jag ett fynd som jag aldrig trodde jag skulle få uppleva sådan glädje av. I hjärtat av Brandkärr (om vi antar att den här hålan faktiskt har ett) finns Öppen Hand, som säljer allt möjligt second hand/loppis relaterat som folk lämnar in. Jag gick dit mest för att komma ut och röra på mig eftersom jag satt inne hela gårdagen pga mystisk djävulsk värk. Men se vad jag hittade för 20 spänn, en gammal svensk bibel från 1874!
      In Illustrated Bible from 1874, the thickest book I bought (not counting dictionaries).
      Today I made a bargain that I never thought I would experience such a pleasure. In the heart of Brandkärr (if we assume that this hole actually has one) are open hand, selling everything second hand / flea related that people submit. I went there mostly to get out and take me as I sat inside all yesterday due to mysterious devilish aches. But look what I found for 20 bucks, an old Swedish bible from 1874!English

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