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KENSINGTON BUTANE LIGHTER with 3-SAPPHIRE Stones,Made in Japan Letter K under bottom, Unknow about MFG.

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    Posted 10 years ago

    (507 items)

    Here is another find. This is a Kensington Butane Lighter, with three SAPPHIRE stones, I'm guessing Co.'s Logo on the front not really sure. under the bottom Marked Japan the letter K. Can't find information on the Kensington lighter co. Any help would be appreciated.

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    1. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      Riply206 my eyes were crossed last night trying to find information on this Company, back at it today!
    2. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      Riply206, I though about checking other Mfg. also. Nothing as of yet !
    3. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      nutsabotas6, I hear ya, man I have tried every avenue I know. I feel some information has to be out their, going to search a little more tonight then get some rest and try again tomorrow.
    4. Ginseng108 Ginseng108, 10 years ago
      Beautiful lighter! Would hold its own against ST DuPont.
    5. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      Thanks Ginseng108. The research is Crazy
      trying to find info. on this brand.
    6. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      Update !!!!! I Took the lighter to a Family operated established Jewelry Store who did the same thing I'm doing, Scratching my Head, The Gemologist did tell me the STONES are Blue Sapphire and stated the emblem on the front could have been a Co. logo. It was also stated that this could have been a Salesman sample for the Kensington Co. A Company that created high end Awards or Presentations awards. On that note I contacted Value My Stuff. The guys from Christie and Sotheby's. after 10-hours of waiting they stated so far that this appears to be a Rolled Gold Butane lighter, From around 1960 thru 70. and appeared to be created in the style of a Dunhill lighter at that time. They are working on an Appraisal for me at this moment. Once I find out for sure about this Company I will Update all who showed an interest in trying to Solved this Mystery.
    7. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      Riply206, No bottles posted by me recently. None with ship paintings, Sorry.
    8. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      PatSea, Well at least someone found something. I know Value My Stuff stated probaley worth 20 to 30 dollars. Stated a look alike lighter. Even with the sapphires??? Oh well, I won't stop till I find out more about the Company. Thanks for your curiosty, it's puzzling me too. Will check under Zippo.
    9. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      PatSea, You are definitely right the value does not matter at this point what really matters is who is this company Kensington and what is the logo on the front of thank you so much for your help as mentioned prior I will continue my research knowledge is the key to Life.
    10. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      You go pat, i'm researching everything you Mentioned, thanks a million.
    11. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      PatSea, wow it just might be located here somewhere, looking through site now thanks!
    12. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 10 years ago
      PatSea, Once I get off work this evening I will upload a clear picture of the inside of the box thanks for all your help!
    13. SausalitoDreamin, 4 years ago
      Did you locate other and new history on "Kensington' lighterS? Google produced the CW posting that you contributed six years ago on them, with some pix, but no other web links. ODD. And not a single Kensington on eBay, world-wide. I recently acquired a Kensington and have a couple questions on the brand. RSVP. Thanks.
      Mark in Sausalito
    14. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 4 years ago
      SausalitoDreamin Hello, No i didn't find out anymore than what was told to me from a jewerler, 6-years ago.
    15. SausalitoDreamin, 4 years ago
      Thanks or your reply. I located another Kensington that WAS listed on as being a '75 model.

      Look at the Instruction Book/Guide: you will see a P.O. Box mailing address in St. Louis. I think, as you wrote, that Kensington Co. sold promotional products, like corporate, customer thank you gigts, and employee awards. It probably licensed and contracted with a Gapan-based lighter maker to produce "Kensington"-branded Lighters - along with the display boxes. Now, we know that Kensington had a US-based "Service Department" to handle repairs and sell glints, parts, etc. Your lighter appears to be less old than the one that I bought last week on eBay - only $TWENY$ bucks. NO company Logo. Gold Tone, with a raised Diamond-like, textured, pattern. Heavy. It's a GREAT deal on a Dunhill copy. Works great.

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