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Unidentified antique hanging candle lamps

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Moonhill's loves652 of 942Victorian Pave NecklaceMID-CENTURY MODERN HANGING LAMP MURANO?
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    Circa late 1800-1910, hand tooled brass hanging candle lamps, cut glass/ crystal faceted on both sides, about 12 inches in diameter and made in France.

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    1. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Very different that's why I don't mind it
    2. Moonhill Moonhill, 10 years ago
      Victorian hanging candle lamps. Sometimes used in dark hallways or dark bedrooms for a little light. They are also called Bullseye lamps. I think made around 1870-1900. Both are in great condition. The one with the side pieces is extra special and hard to find and could cost $$$. I had a collection of the lamp that would look wonderful in our windows at Christmas.
    3. Moonhill Moonhill, 10 years ago
      They were also made and used as top globe shades for Victorian, Gone-with-the-wind lamps in all different shapes and sizes.
    4. danperez, 10 years ago
      The lamps have been my family since 1907 so they were not made in the 50's or 60's. They are specifically designed to be hung as overhead hanging lamps. The pictures I submitted show the lamps upside down with the chains for hanging them and raising and lowering the candle part of fixture and the ceiling fixtures them concealed inside. This was done because the bottom of the fixture which contains the candle holder will not allow them to be stood upright. Thanks for the comments they are appreciated.
    5. inky inky, 10 years ago
      Just beautiful ...... :-)
    6. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 10 years ago
      I think too that similar shades, were used as fairy lamp tops. It seems to me that the Fairy lamp book has them listed and I think that Jim has them on his site too?
      I will try to remember and look tomorrow. Bedtime now.
    7. AlbertHuygens, 9 years ago
      typical arabian lamps. Mostly in mosques.... I have seen a lot of these .
    8. AlbertHuygens, 9 years ago
      marrocan lamps : since the islamisations the Netherlands is full of that kind of people....

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