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Wooden Folk Art Handbag/Purse-(Part 1)

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Wooden Folk Art Objects450 of 850Wooden Folk Art Handbag/Purse-(Part 2)Odd wooden artifact. Domestic tool??
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    Posted 10 years ago

    (708 items)

    Painted with owls
    Signed-Marion on the front-below the owl on the far right see pic2
    Just found this adorable :)
    there is 3 owls on the front
    one owl on the top (lid) and two on lower front
    one owl on the back pic3
    also each side has an owl see (Part 2)

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    1. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
    2. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      let me guess....are you related/married? LOL :)
      I don't think he will carry this around!
      Not his kind of trunk ;)
    3. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      trunkman....thank you for the love.
    4. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Lovely little piece and I have a love for owls so double bonus. Hand held trunks are cool... could put my lunch in it...
    5. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      eye4beauty I'm find with your non post related comments :)
      I enjoy them
      how else would you get to know each other on here
      I did think for a moment from your post that maybe you were related in some way.
      trunkman I'm going to put something in this little trunk....what? I have no clue yet ....but not my lunch :)
    6. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      eye4beauty......he wants to put food in my little trunk! :(
    7. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      eye4beauty if someone sticks something stinky in there at least I know who to contact :)
      but for now I'm going to hide it in one of those millions of trunks he has and I bet he never finds it :))
      What a game of Hide-n-Seek that would be
    8. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      This is wonderful. Properly made and the handle is great too! And who doesn't love owls.
      If that other person doesn't steal it I might!
    9. melaniej melaniej, 10 years ago
      racer4four thank you :)
      I find this little owl painted box/trunk/purse/handbag or whatever you want to call it to be very beautiful....the owls are so beautiful and detailed. I hope every one can enlarge/zoom in on these pic's because then you can really see the talent this painter has. I only wish I could figure out who "Marion" is........but I don't think that will happen.

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