Posted 11 years ago
(38 items)
Picked this up for $10 on Craig's List. It is pretty old, and really smells like it. I haven't gotten to thoroughly check it out yet, but it's not great quality or anything. But I thought it looked pretty cool. Any tips on how to get that horrible musty old smell out? I have lit incense inside other boxes and just let them sit there in the smoke, used cedar squares, etc.
Nice old trunk. I use dryer sheets to help mask oder -- that and keeping it open for a while in the sun preferably. You could also give the interior a wipe down with 10% beach and water mix. (bleach being the 10%)
Thanks trunkman! I just saw this exact trunk, in about the same condition, being sold on Etsy for $75!
Great deal for $10 -- I refinish these sometimes and sell them for $150.00.. so you did well!
Maybe about 15 large boxes of baking soda & maybe a bowl of vinegar.
Thanks for the tips blunderbuss2. Trunkman : have any tips on the refinishing?
Here is a link on this site that has some info on how to proceed. ask questions after reading this.... and good luck!
Hope it didn't have something dead in it as that is a hard task to eliminate. Not from IL, NY or NJ in the 20's - 30's is it? LOL!
Hey, you're even quick T-Mon!
Large bowl of industrial strength ammonia. Then use the cat litter & vinegar to get rid of the ammonia smell! Bon chance!
Stripping the paper will help.
Trunkman, thank you so much for the link! I will definitely check it out. So far lavendar and vanilla have helped a lot.
I haven'te read everything about trunks yet, but had a few questions. The silver metal is shining thru on the hardware. Is that good.? Can torn spots in the metal siding be fixed? My goal would be to I have it clean enough to put quilts in and have in the living room. Possible? Should one use Brasso or silver polish?
Unfortunately the hardware on your trunk is not high quality so the coating tends to wear off over time and there is not much that can be done about it. If the metal banding is torn very hard to fix other than nailing a loose piece back on. Depends on how much you want to put into repairs -- everything costs so for an average trunk just make it safe and presentable. You can gun oil the metal banding where there is rust to improve the look. Hope this helps...
I'm very much in favor of your plan to clean this up and make it a lovely part of your living room. Keep reading on this site and you will find a wealth of knowledge to make it happen. Most importantly, have fun.
It id fun!
And relaxing. I just got off work, talked to my daughter, and am now in my garage. This samsung tablet is very handy!
Havent quite got thehang g of the keyboard yet...
Ever wonder if you've gone too far when restoring something old? When does it lose its authenticity?
I always tell myself that I am doing it for myself.. the way I like it and how I want it to look... I give a piece my authenticity...
That is true, trunkman and eye4beauty. I am very new to all of this. I just got into working with wood in the last year or so. I would love to create something of my own sometime, but for now, I'm just picking up wooden things from thrift stores and Craig's List and fixing them up for fun. Well, the idea was that maybe I could make some extra money, but actually, I just enjoy working with wood. And learning as I go. :)
Driggs, I have found that shops that make furniture are happy to let you go thru their scrap bins & several have even told me the times it is hauled off. I've made a lot of pieces with that stuff & it's free. Just a secret from an experienced dumpster diver. Why buy a 10 ft board when you only need 1 ft?