Posted 10 years ago
(3484 items)
This is my first boxed Matchbox car with gray wheels. It was introduced in 1960 and was made until 1967. As the 25B it was the second #25 and replaced the Dunlop Van. Yes it is better known as the Beetle or Bug
The Box is the D style box variation 1. Aka the D1 box. The difference between the D1 box and the D2 is that the D1 had serifs on the lettering on the box end flaps. The D2 has black lettering. The D1 box was issued in the first half of 1962 which means this model is from early 1962.
That's one of my favorite Matchbox cars.
Very nice!
Thank you very much AzTom. I will have to agree with you.
Thank you very much Vintage_Joe.
Thank you
You cant beat a veeedub!! ..I love em all!! Especially the campers
Ive got a few of these toy vw's , matchbox ,whizzywheels, corgie & dinky even a micro toy vw beetle & a splitty !!
Aint got any boxes though !!
Thank you very much surfdud66. I have some more MB and Hotwheesl bugs and vans too.
Thank you
Thank you Sean, Kerry, and Windwalker
Congtrats for your Matchbox/Lesney collection! amazing models.